How to Get from Cartagena to Playa Blanca by Public Transport


Don’t take a tour to Playa Blanca. It’s more expensive and you’ll have to share your slice of beach with so, so many people. Using a bit of public trans will get you there efficiently and give you the flexibility to avoid the masses. We'll walk you through how to get there and back.


Cartagena to Playa Blanca


Getting There:



The least expensive way to get to Playa Blanca is to catch the bus from Calle 30 and Carrera 17 to Pasacaballos (2,200 pesos per ticket). You can walk to the stop from most hostels. Ask around for the schedule, because it’s variable. We caught ours around 10:30 AM.



Hostel - Bus Stop: 0 pesos per person

Bust Stop - Pasacaballos: 2,200 pesos per ticket

Total: 2,200 pesos per person



Hostel - Bus Stop: 10 minutes walking (average)

Bust Stop - Pasacaballos: 30 minute bus ride

Total: 40 minutes



In Pasacaballos, you’ll be met by a bunch of mototaxi hawkers. We decided to share a bike and haggled a bit (15,000 for the ride). If you want to do this, it’s important to leave your bags in Cartagena! It’s a bumpy ride, but it isn’t too terrifying. Plus it only takes about 20 minutes. Apparently it took much longer a few years ago before the completion of a bridge.



Pasacaballos - Playa Blanca: 15,000 pesos per motorbike

Total: 7,500 pesos per person



Pasacaballos - Playa Blanca: 20 minute mototaxi

Total: 20 minutes


Playa Blanca

Once you’ve been dropped off, you’ll walk down the hill and be onslaughted with entrepreneurial restaurants and hostels. Walk to the right if you want to get farther away from the day trippers.


Total Cost: 9,700 pesos per person

Total Time: 1 hour


Getting Back:


Playa Blanca

It’s perfectly possible to do the trip in reverse for the same cost. But, you also have the option of getting a boat which will take you right to Cartagena (these are also available heading from Cartagena to Playa Blanca, but they’re more expensive). If you need to leave really early, this might not work. We caught ours at about 1:00 PM.



Playa Blanca - Cartagena Pier: 15,000 pesos per person


Playa Blanca - Cartagena Pier: 40 minute boat ride



The boat drops you off right at the pier (after making a couple stops at islands along the way)! You’ll be able to walk right into downtown in no time.


Total Cost: 15,000 pesos per person

Total Time: 40 minutes


If you’d rather get a shuttle or go with a tour, look into Hostel Mamallena.

And check out our tips for your time in Playa Blanca here!


Have you made this tip? Got more questions? Let us know in the comments!


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