May 2019: Insurance, Superstores, and South East Asia


Bacterial woes

Once again, high fevers coincided with birthday wishes. In this case, it was Tori with the fever and Stefan with the birthday (recall that it was Tori with both last time).

It also happened to be the one time we didn’t have antibiotics on hand. We normally pack a z-pack or two in case of really bad traveler’s diarrhea and limited medical services.

Plus, our travel insurance had run dry two days prior. Ugh. Thankfully, we were in New Zealand without insurance and not the US, so the whole shebang wasn’t devastating.

Of course we renewed our insurance plan quickly after, but we definitely haven’t been able to find one we feel good about. Seems like a whole lotta cost and little real use. Suggestions welcome!

Big Chang and angkor wat

Stefan had a bit of a blast from the past, returning to the well-trodden backpacker haunt of Southeast Asia with his family.

Takeaway? He doesn’t drink as much as he used to. SE Asia is fun, but it can be tiring to get off the beaten track (we found this out when we were on our own in Myanmar earlier this year).

As much nostalgia as we have for the region, we’re excited to have embraced slightly quieter destinations.

Food prep

While Stefan was off exploring, Tori was watching his dogs and prepping for the next adventure.

That meant one or two trips to Costco, the cult wholesale store where rotisserie chickens cost less than they do in The Philippines. Whoa.

We’re excited to add some variety to the standard food regime in Peru next month!


Final note: Stefan FINALLY received his Irish citizenship this month! This comes with a host of blessings, including easy visas and the right to live in most of Europe. Needless to say, Tori’s a bit jealous.

Till next month!

♡ Stef and Tor