Posts tagged costs
What Things Cost in Myanmar

Overall, Myanmar is a cheap place to visit - cheaper than its popular neighbor, Thailand. However, the one pickle is accommodation, which will often run you much more than any other Southeast Asian country..

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How to Hike the Quilcayhuanca Cojup Trek, the Hidden Gem of Huaraz

This is the best 2-3 day hike in Huaraz. Period. Here’s everything you need to know to hike this hidden gem of northern Peru.

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Hiking the Alpamayo Basecamp Trek without a Guide

Everything you need to know to hike this popular trek independently. Awesome views on its own or tack on the Santa Cruz to make the Alpamayo Circuit and see the mountain from all sides.

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What Things Cost in the Philippines

They told us it would be cheap, but we didn’t believe them. Turns out, they don’t lie. The Philippines is 100% the cheapest country we’ve been to in Southeast Asia.

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