Posts tagged tips
How to Hike the Quilcayhuanca Cojup Trek, the Hidden Gem of Huaraz

This is the best 2-3 day hike in Huaraz. Period. Here’s everything you need to know to hike this hidden gem of northern Peru.

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Hiking the Alpamayo Basecamp Trek without a Guide

Everything you need to know to hike this popular trek independently. Awesome views on its own or tack on the Santa Cruz to make the Alpamayo Circuit and see the mountain from all sides.

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Our Top Tips to Hike the Cape Wrath Trail Fast and Cheap

There is a lot of really great info online about the Cape Wrath Trail. Some things, however, definitely took us by surprise. Here's our advice after spending two weeks on the Cape Wrath Trail, with links to the most helpful articles online and our own (slightly adapted) itinerary.

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